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Jackie Baker PulleyWife

Anthony A Pulley (Keryn)Son

Alicia Batchelor (Ken Batchelor)Daughter

Donnie P. Baker (Carla Baker)Step Son

Roger A. Baker (Christi Baker)Step Son

Russell B. BakerStep Son

Bessie Mae SpeckSister

Lauren B. Hilliard (Matt Hilliard)Grandchild

Alex PulleyGranchild

Nicholas PulleyGranchild

Taylor BakerGranddaughter (deceased)

James Adam PulleyParent (deceased)

Lala Williams PulleyParent (deceased)

He leaves step grandchildren, Tara, Brittany, Deanna, Preston, Jermiah, Zachary, Roxanne, Morgan and several great grandchildren to cherish his memories. He was also preceded in death by four brothers and three sisters.

Past Services

Wednesday,May 13, 2020


Wednesday,May 13, 2020

Graveside Service - to be recorded (see obituary)