Lilia, Victoria, Rocio, Manuel, Leticia, Lorena, Abraham, y Blanca. En 1971, la familia Pulido se trasladó para el estado de Michoacán, ubicándose en el pueblo de Tacámbaro. En ese lugar ella conoce a mi padre Jose Luis Jimenez. Después de un corto noviazgo se casan y empiezan su vida como familia teniendo 5 hijos. Jano, Huriata, Melisa, Talía, y Marco Antonio.En 1989 mi madre toma la decisión de emigrar a los Estados Unidos en busca de una mejor vida para ella e hijos. Toma residencia en a ciudad de San Diego CA en dónde vivió por el resto de su vida.
Sara Pulido Orosco Born in Mexico City on November 23, 1954. Her parents Juan Pulido and Sara
Orosco, they had 9 children and my mom was the third of them. Lilia, Victoria, Rocio, Manuel, Leticia, Lorena, Abraham, and Blanca. In 1971, the Pulido family moved to the state of Michoacán, settling in the town of Tacámbaro. In that place she meets my father Jose Luis Jimenez. After a short courtship they get married and begin their life as a family with 5 children. Jano, Huriata, Melisa, Talía, and Marco Antonio. In 1989 my mother made the decision to emigrate to the United States in search of a better life for herself and her children. He took up residence in the city of San Diego, CA, where he lived for the rest of his life.