It is with sorrowful hearts that we must announce the sudden passing of our treasured Love, Father, Son, Leader, and Friend, Cam Purdy. Cam leaves behind his Soulmate and Life-partner; Kara, and his precious children; his pride and joy; London and Rylee. He was predeceased on the same day, 26 years earlier, by his beloved adoptive mother Carol Purdy, and is survived by his beloved birth mother, Priscilla Holmstead, of Adelaide, Australia, Cam is also survived by his father Andrew Purdy, of Chilliwack, his sister Ellen, and his "spirit family", Betty, Liv, Karen M., Lisa B., Marcel B., Dave Z., and Dave (Gator) R... the people who knew best, all of the quiet and shadowy corners of his loving soul. Cam's greatest legacy, beyond his impressive collections of classic cars and guitars, and his musical repertoire as a professional drummer in the 80's and 90's Rock Music scene, is the company that he built from the ground up. Number 8 Freight grew to be a tremendous source of satisfaction and accomplishment for Cam, as he developed the business over time, and ultimately supported 43 families at the time of his passing. Kara, Lindsay, Dave, Mike, Troy, Rhonda, and all of the drivers who proudly display the Number 8 logo will miss Cam in each and every moment that we endeavour to fill the massive void left by his passing. We honour him collectively, through our efforts to bring his vision for Number 8 Freight to fruition, as he now leads us in spirit (we thank the stars that he never stopped talking - and we all took notes!) When you watch a NASCAR race, or see his Broncos win a tight game, think of Cam cheering (LOUDLY) beside you. If you see a great concert, imagine his smiling face cheering from the best seats in the house! Imagine him beating out a rhythm on a well-used drum kit, or writing a silly song on one of his classic Fenders or Gibson Les Paul's. Imagine him strolling along his favourite beach, writing love letters in the Chesterman sand. lmagine him Loving, and being Loved... and imagine him at PEACE, with a crooked smile on his face, and a good tune soothing his weary soul. A celebration of life will be held at 2:00 PM on May 24th, 2014, at the Evergreen Hall, in Chilliwack. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to BC Children's Hospital in Cam's Memory, in honour of his Best Buddy and Wing man, Keaton MacEachern's brave battle with (and victory over) Leukemia. Let us all day at a time....
Streaming Video of the ceremony will be available at;
A slide show celebrating the life of Cam.