Chicago Il. On January 19, 2016 we lost one of the best people in the world. Judy Keil. Judy was born October 4, 1962 and passed away at the young age of 53. Judy was a devoted Mother, Daughter, Sister, CPS School Teacher and friend to everyone. If you knew Judy you already know she was the kindest person on earth and made it her job to see that everyone around her was happy. She cared for others more than herself. Judy is now playing Yahtzee, Michigan Rummy and Scrabble with her Dad and Grandparents. Please keep Jennifer and Judy’s entire family in your thoughts and prayers. Visitation will be held Friday January 22, 2016 from 3:00pm to 9:00pm at Drake and Son Funeral Home, 5303 N Western Ave, Chicago Il. An 11:30 funeral Mass will be held Saturday January 23, 2016 at St. Matthias Church, 2310 W. Ainslie St. Chicago, IL.