Christian Michael Schroeder, 29, of Chicago, IL, passed away on May 11, 2021. Beloved son of Jenny Frances Schroeder and Stephen Richard Schroeder. Cherished brother of Stephanie A. and Holly A. Schroeder.
He loved playing basketball and followed the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs. He was a devoted friend to many, someone who was always ready to lend a hand and help out if there was trouble or anyone needed assistance. He was thought of as family by many people in his life, including Mary Jo and Bob Daly who loved him as a son and dear friend. He loved and was loved by animals, he had several pets over the years, including his beloved cats Samson and Poopie the Cat.
To make memorial contributions in Christian’s honor, please visit the link provided below. A Life Celebration Gathering will be held on Friday, May 21, 2021 from 3-9pm. Formal service to begin at 6pm. To view the service remotely, please click on the “Join Livestream” link next to the event listed below. In consideration of the health and wellness of our guests, Drake and Son Funeral Home insists all guests entering the building to wear a facial covering and to practice social distancing wisely.
For more information call 773-561-6874.