Carl Thomas Campbell, peacefully transitioned to Heaven from his home on April 24th, 2022 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Born December 23rd, 1942 in Albion, Michigan becoming the beloved son of Carl Layfayette and Helen Marie Campbell. This adventurous young man set his eyes on the seas after graduating college to become an honorable U.S. Navy man. Upon a visit back home, a new love match was sparked between young Carl and Annette Sango. Throughout the years their love grew to become a union of over 50 years. From their union, Carla Renee Campbell was born and later blessed them with three beautiful grandchildren; David Jones, Erica Moncrief and Kyla Moncrief.
To know Carl Campbell is to know the value of discipline. He aimed to set precedent on timeliness, professionalism and attentiveness to detail. During his leadership roles at Eaton’s, Kellogg’s and in the Navy he was well respected and known for his dependable character. When he wasn’t serving others and our beloved country he enjoyed playing golf, basketball and fishing in the Great Lakes.
It is rare to experience a man of such integrity, grit and honor but we are all blessed that God chose him to be a part of our lives. Today and forever we celebrate the legacy of Carl Thomas Campbell.
You’ve got a thumbs up from us!