Harriet Sara Barnard Ahr was born on January 27, 1925 in Ft Lupton, CO and died on May 20, 2015 at the age of 90. She was the middle sister of three, Dorothy “Tootsie” Cook (deceased) and the youngest, Mary Jean Woytek. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Robert K Ahr of Cripple Creek Co. She had one son, Robert, and three granddaughters, Stephanie, Missy and Katie. She had three nephews, Ed, Tom and Michael and one niece, Susie Woytek Hatcher. She also had 12 great nephews and 4 great nieces.
Her mother, Dorothea Marshman Barnard worked at Montgomery Wards for many years and her father, John Barnard, was a plumber, all living in Denver, CO. Dorothea was a native-born Canadian and Harriet inherited a life-long love of hockey from her, which was her favorite sport.
Harriet was an athlete who enjoyed skiing, playing tennis, bowling and golf, which she took up in her late 50’s and continued until she was 85 and macular degeneration sadly ended this passion. She earned many bowling trophies in a North Denver league and only quit when her passion for golf kicked in!
She attended Denver South High School where she was a member of the Girls Basketball Club. She worked at Neusteters, Montgomery Wards, and Gates (all of which are now gone). She worked the longest at United airlines, 25 years, and met her husband, now deceased, Robert K Ahr. It was at the airlines that she became in involved in the Mainliner Club and the Retirement Association. In retirement, Harriet coordinated many activities including, sporting events, plays, operas, family picnics and charities. One of her favorites for many years was the Children’s Christmas party at the Union Hall. She also edited the Mainliner Club bi-monthly newsletter that reported events and significant news article about the airline. She was also much involved in the Denver Adoption Exchange and participated in their one-on-one basketball tournament every summer. She even sponsored her nephew, Tom’s, South High basketball team.
One of Harriet’s proudest accomplishments was being a part of the WWII organization, Rosie the Riveter, located in Nebraska.
The biggest part of her retirement revolved around her passion for golf! She was a member of the United Airlines Stewardesses (yes, before Flight Attendants became PC) golf club held every Tuesday at Aurora Hills Golf Course. In ensuing years, she was a member and officer of the Foothills, Racoon Creek and Applewood Golf Courses. Because of Harriet’s incredibly straight fairway drive and precision putting, she won quite a few league tournaments. She was an integral part of the Retirees tournament circuit, particularly the most popular one in Mesquite Nevada.
A staunch, life-long Republican, Harriet could be heard discussing or touting the many virtues of the local and national Republican Party. Harriet was a HUGE fan of talk radio, listening and agreeing with the likes of Mike Rosen, Peter Boyles, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. However, she was always tuned in to the Sports Zoo with Dave Logan. And forget about any sport during the Bronco season!!! Harriet ate, breathed and lived the Broncos, especially during the Elway era. She wouldn’t even go to someone’s house for a Bronco games, stating that she was a screaming maniac and embarrassed for anyone to witness her enthusiasm!! She even dressed in Bronco gear to cheer them on!
Harriet and her husband, Bob, were prolific travelers!! In the late 60’s and 70 they literally circled the globe twice and vacationed in Hawaii no less than seven times. Their favorite single trips included, India, China. Russia and Egypt. When Bob passed, she traveled with Eleanor, also a retired employee of United.
The past five years were particularly difficult for Harriet due to Macular Degeneration and a general decline of her health which precluded her from participating in her beloved game of golf. Stepping up to the plate, was daughter-in-law and wife of Robert, Sharon Ahr. A caregiver by profession she became Harriet’s lifeline and right hand woman. She shuttled her to doctor appointments, Costco, family events, sports games and Mainliner events to name a few; all this while she was employed as a caregiver for a local at-home-care company. Her patience, kindness and devotion has earned her Angel Wings according to Susie and Robert. Because of Sharon, Harriet was able to continue to live in her home of 52 years where she even continued to garden and tend to the yard until a year ago.
Harriet is best known for her frugality ON STEROIDS!!! One time she was particularly upset when her telephone bill was increased and she called customer service to inquire why. After reading the customer service lady the riot act, Harriet was informed that the rate was increased to help elderly people who could not pay their bill. When Susie finally asked what the rate hike was, Harriet replied, “15 cents!!!” But in the end she was happy to pay the hike, she just wanted to be informed in the future…..of course the customer service rep told her the previous 3 months she received a notice in her bill!
In spite of such frugality, Harriet was a generous and kind person when she found someone in need. Just a few years ago she met a lady at the Hope Center who had bad teeth but was telling Harriet she couldn’t afford to get them fixed. Harriet lent her the money and the lady paid her back!! Not everyone saw this side of her but those of us who were close to her saw this generosity and thoughtfulness.
The family would like to thank all of you here who wanted to give a final farewell to Harriet.