Roy Lee Lewis Jr.,76, beloved Husband, Dad, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Grandpa and Friend, passed away peacefully on October 14, 2021, surrounded by his family in Broomfield, Colorado. Roy spent over 46 years of his life as an Educator, Mentor and Coach. He had a great love for investing in the youth that would one day shape the world. He enjoyed spending time with his wife, daughters and son, along with serving valiantly for his church congregation at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Roy’s love for life revolved around helping and serving others. His heart was larger than most and his impact was invaluable. His laughter was truly contagious and could be heard across a room. Speaking to Roy was like feeling the warmth of the sun and he gave his time and energy to all, willingly.
Born April 29, 1945, in De Soto Missouri, he was the son of the late Doris J. (Vance) Mahn, Roy Lee Lewis, Sr and Edward J. Mahn, Sr. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his son, Benjamin Charles Willis and brothers; Daniel “Danny” John Mahn III, Edward “Jimmy” Mahn Jr. and by his wife, Bernardine Lewis.
He is survived by his wife, Carol Anne Lewis of Anaheim, Ca; and three daughters Wendy (Lane) Jones of Texas, Belinda (Chris) Davis of California, and Sarah (Markus) Tava of Colorado; 8 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren and by his sister Sandra (Everett Edward) Lewis Dahl of Larkspur, Colorado. He is additionally survived by numerous aunts, uncle, cousins, nieces and nephews.
Memorial Service will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 440 N. Loara Street Anaheim, California 92801 on Friday, October 29th at 11am. Additional Memorial Service to be announced at a later time to be held at Mahn Funeral Home, in De Soto Missouri.
Memorial Donations may be made to the non-profit ‘Brian’s Fund’, which supports funding in order to provide services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. Roy loved his son Ben Willis (who had developmental disabilities) tremendously and was supported by this very organization in their partnership with the Regional Center of Orange County. You may mail checks to: Brian’s Fund, Regional Center of Orange County, P.O. Box 22010, Santa Ana, Ca 92702-2010.
Sarah TavaDaughter
Belinda DavisDaughter