Felix Rivera, born on January 7, 1937, in El Barrio Altosano, Las Marías, Puerto Rico, passed away peacefully on September 24, 2024, in Orlando, Florida, at the age of 87. Felix was a beloved father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and friend to many, who will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
He is survived by his former wife and the mother of his children, Terry; his children, Martie, Wandy, Noel, and Julio; his son-in-law, Mike, and daughter-in-law, Ashley; his cherished grandchildren, Valerie, JJ, Noel, Jonathan, Nessa, Julio, Matthew, Michael, Mark, and Julian; and his precious great-grandchildren, Juniel, Mari, Anthony, Noah, and Carlos. Felix is also remembered by numerous nieces, nephews, and extended family members who loved and respected him dearly.
Felix was a man devoted to his family, always leading with love and emphasizing the importance of unity. Even after retiring, he worked tirelessly to provide for his loved ones and ensure their well-being. His wisdom, generosity, and kindness left an indelible mark on those who were lucky enough to know him.
Though he has passed, Felix's spirit will live on in the hearts of his family and friends, and his legacy of love and hard work will continue to inspire future generations.
May he rest in eternal peace.