Born in Toler, Ky on November 20, 1933, Rev. Dr. Robert E. Fields Jr. passed away on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at Rex Hospital. Bob was a beloved son, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and pastor. A lifelong organizer and Presbyterian, he led three devoted and faithful congregations as lead or solo pastor to witness the saving grace of Christ our Lord and Savior: Saint Andrews Presbyterian in Pinch, WV, Montgomery Presbyterian in Montgomery, WV and Hudson Memorial Presbyterian in Raleigh, NC. He shared his gifts of thoughtful planning and patient optimism with several churches as interim pastor including Outer Banks Presbyterian and Mt. Bethel Presbyterian in Durham, NC. Bob cherished his friendships with colleagues in ministry serving as a member of Kanawha, Orange and New Hope Presbyteries. A lifelong Democrat, he valued and encouraged informed civic mindedness and positive participation in the democratic process. Bob was the first in his family to attend and graduate college and was a tireless promoter to his family of the value of education. A graduate of Centre College (A.B.) and Union Theological Seminary in Richmond (M.Div., D.Min.), Bob is survived by his college sweetheart and wife of sixty-five years, Charlene Whittle Fields, his three children, Rob (Beth), Marc (Lori) and Stephanie, eight grandchildren, Elizabeth (Jordan), Marcus (Langley), Anne (Ozan), Robert (Sallie), Allie, Nick, Lily, and Will, and four great-grandchildren, James, Max, Ada and Mira. A memorial service to remember Bob will be held at Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4921 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC at 2:00 pm on Monday, May 9, 2022. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests gifts to Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church or Curamericas Global, Inc. ( “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” Psalm 91:14.