Beloved husband of the late Norma M. (Sorocka) Fox. Devoted father of Matthew Fox and his wife Imbi, and the late Arnold Fox. Cherished grandfather of Joshua Fox and his wife Carey, and Benjamin Fox, and great-grandfather of Isaac and Liidia. Loving brother of the late Hyman, Sarah, Martha, Jacob and Gershon.
Born on January 25, 1919 in Boston, MA to the late Hyman and Jennie (Goldberg) Fox, he was the youngest of six children, with three elder brothers and two elder sisters. He grew up in the West End, and sold newspapers in order to further his education. He graduated from the University of Illinois in 1942, majoring in German, the first of his family to attend college. He later received a Masters of Education from Boston State College. He served in the Navy during WWII.
After the service, he met his wife, Norma and they were married for 51 years until her death in 1996.
He taught at William E. Endicott for 15 years and then at the Boston Latin School until his retirement. He also taught Jewish History on Sunday’s and, in the evenings, taught civics to immigrants so that they could achieve their United States citizenships.
He was a long time member of Temple Beth Am in Randolph, was a Little League umpire and baseball fan. He was also a member of the Gallery Gods in the old Boston Garden, attending Boston Bruins home games for 25 years from the 50’s through the 70’s.
Graveside services will be held at Sharon Memorial Park, 40 Dedham Street, Sharon, MA on Monday, August 26th at 1:45 PM.