Joyce, beloved daughter of the late William and Matilda Goodfellow (nee Breiman), was born in Kinistino, Saskatchewan, a middle child in a family of six sisters and two brothers. In this small farming community, her dad ran the Kinistino Livery Stable and her mother was a custom seamstress. As a young girl, Joyce was considered the tomboy of the bunch, often excelling above the boys. She started off her working career as a qualified hair dresser. Later, when married to Forrest (Benny) Bennett, Joyce was a long time employee of Smithbilt Hats in Calgary, maker of the world famous Calgary White Hats. Until recent years, Joyce was an active 45 year member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion No. 1 Calgary Branch. The Legion played a very important part of Joyce’s social life, where she met up with her sisters for coffee in the afternoons and enjoyed many evening dances. Joyce is survived by her very close and loving sister, Pearl Hoolihan; nieces, Sherry Churi, Pearl David, Anne Campbell, and Cindy Judd and nephews, Jim Horner, Fred Horner, Frank Ford, Lee Goodfellow, andLarry Goodfellow and their families. Joyce was predeceased by her husband, Benny; her sisters, Florence Anderson, Ruby Redmond, Mildred Campbell, and Yvonne Caskey and brothers, Bill Goodfellow and Fred Goodfellow.
Joyce’s Funeral Service will be held at Foster’s Garden Chapel, 3220 – 4 Street N.W., Calgary, on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The family thanks Dr. Wheeler, the nurses and staff of Unit No. 1 of Sarcee Carewest for their compassionate care; together with caregivers, Ginny, Lynn, Gisele, Amy, Hilda, and Lorna for their warmth and kindness during their many visits with Joyce. Our heartfelt appreciation to Deanna, Michael, and Dixie at Care to Share for delivering a great program of caring for the needs of the elderly.
Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family via the website
Telephone: 403-297-0888
Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial