林福鉅先生於1937年出生於香港,︀小學及中學就讀於九龍華仁書院。在日佔時代曾停學,︀回到家鄉廣東三水避難。畢業後曾在泛美航空 Pan Am, 渣打銀行及香港政府工作。在讀書與工作其間,︀認識了許多終生好友。
1972年與太太吳愛蓮共諧連理, 及後長女(敏穎)及幼兒(敏佳)出生。
在1989年7月舉家移民加拿大溫哥華。在這30餘年中, 十分享受加國悠閒的退休及教會生活。直到今年10月發現患上腦癌, 不幸於今年12月11日與世長辭。
林福鉅先生個性開朗, 待人誠信, 平易近人, 重視家庭, 痛愛妻子, 對子女晚輩的照料更是週到。感謝大家參與他的告別儀式。在此致萬二分感謝。祝大家平安喜樂。
Mr. Tony Fook Kui Lam was born in Hong Kong in 1937. He attended Wah Yan College in Kowloon for primary and secondary school. During the Japanese occupation period, he stopped studying and returned to his hometown of Sanshui, Guangdong to seek refuge. After graduation, he worked for Pan Am, Standard Chartered Bank and the Hong Kong Government. While studying and working, he met many lifelong friends.
In 1972, he married his wife Pauline. They grew their family with a daughter (Joyce) and a son (Alex). In July 1989, he and his family immigrated to Vancouver, Canada. For over 30 years, he enjoyed retirement and actively participated in church. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in October this year and passed away on December 11.
Tony had a cheerful personality, was honest and approachable, valued his family, devoted to his wife, and took good care of his children and younger generations. Thank you very much for participating in his celebration of life. We wish you all peace and joy.