Dr. Yu was born on July 15, 1934, in a wealthy family in Shanghai, China. He graduated from Shandong Medical School in 1957 and became one of four disciples of the famous Chinese Medicine Master, Liu Hui Min. He went on to practice medicine for over 40 years and established a successful and highly respected career. He was a renowned neurologist and medical professor and served as the head of Shandong Chinese Medicine Research Institute. He also worked in Cornell University Medical Centre as a visiting scholar and served as a WHO medical expert. After his retirement in China, Dr. Yu came to Vancouver, Canada to live with his daughter and family in 1994. He worked as a Chinese Medical Doctor for another 10 years until his final retirement. Dr. Yu was known for his medical expertise and compassionate care of his patients.
Outside of his medical practice, Dr. Yu was an acclaimed author and published numerous books including university textbooks and research papers in medical Journals. He is a devout Christian and loved to go to church until he was physically incapable. He enjoyed reading and music and spending time with family and friends. He will be remembered for his kindness, his quick wit, his warm smile, his unwavering faith in God and his boundless love for his family and friends.
Dr. Yu was a great husband and loved his wife, Tieying Ning, dearly until her death in 2013.
Dr. Yu is survived by his daughter, Jie and son-in-law, Jim, his son, Ning and his grandchildren, Lisa, Allan, and Katherine.
A funeral service will be held on February 15th at 1:00 p.m. at Ocean View Funeral Home, 4000 Imperial Street, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Dr. Yu will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved him. May he rest in peace.
俞昌正医生,一位敬业的医生和慈爱的丈夫、父亲和祖父,于 2023 年 1 月 30 日在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省本那比市安详去世,享年 89 岁。 他于1934年7月15日出生于中国上海一个富商家庭。
俞昌正医生1957年毕业于齐鲁(山东)医学院,之后成为著名国医刘惠民(曽为毛泽东主席的中医师)的四大弟子之一。他在中国行医近40 年,建立了一个卓越的医务生涯,是著名的神经科专家,曾任医学教授和山东中医药研究所所长。他还曾在美国康奈尔大学医学中心做访问学者,并担任WHO医学专家。在中国退休后,俞医生于1994年来到加拿大温哥华与女儿和家人一起生活。他又在此地做了10年的中医师,直到最后退休。俞医生以其丰富的医学知识和对患者的关怀而闻名。 在他的医疗实践之外,俞医生是一位广受赞誉的作家,他发表了大量的书籍包括大学的教科书和科研文章。他是一个虔诚的基督徒,喜欢去教堂直到身体不能活动为止。他喜欢阅读和音乐,喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光。他的善良、机智、温暖的微笑、对上帝坚定不移的信仰以及对家人和朋友无限的爱将被人们铭记。
俞医生是一位很好的丈夫,深爱和关怀着他的妻子宁铁英,直到她于 2013 年去世。 俞医生身后留下了他的女儿俞洁(女婿建东), 儿子俞宁和他的孙女孙子丽莎,艾伦和凯瑟琳。
俞医生的葬礼将于 2 月 15 日下午 1:00 举行。在海景殡仪馆 (Ocean View Funeral Home), 4000 Imperial Street, Burnaby, BC, Canada。