Michele Mohr Sonnenfeld, of Florida, died after bravely fighting cancer for many years. She was 74 years old.
Michele is survived by her son Gary and wife Jessica and granddaughters Ella and Lara Sonnenfeld of Florida, by her sister Ruth Hollingsworth and family of Virginia, by many cousins and relatives in the United Kingdom where she was born. Michele was preceded in death by her son Alan and is survived by Alan’s wife Sarah and grandchildren Ziv and Noga Noked of Massachusetts.
Michele was born on August 29, 1949, in London. She moved with her father Bernard, mother Gertrude, and sister Ruth to the United States when she was five years old and lived in Philadelphia for grade school, then Pittsburgh, Akron, and Louisville. She graduated from University of Kentucky in 1971. She raised her children in Tampa, worked in Tallahassee and retired to south Florida to be near her granddaughters.
Michele worked diligently her whole career—teaching job-skills courses to high-school students, driving back and forth across the state of Florida administering standardized tests while working for the Department of Education, volunteering at local libraries in Leon and Brevard counties and in her grandchildren’s school. She loved travel, ballroom dancing, and had a knack for making and keeping friends.
Graveside funeral services in Massachusetts are scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd at 1:45pm, with shiva following that day from 4-6:30pm at the Brookline home of Sarah Sonnenfeld Noked and Ori Noked. Details provided upon request by Levine Chapels.
In lieu of flowers, notes for the family can be sent to Levine Chapels and remembrances may be made to the American Library Association at 225 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1300 in Chicago, IL (https://ec.ala.org/donate) or to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation at 28 West 44th Street, Suite 609, New York, NY (https://tinyurl.com/BCRF-Give).