Abbie, known as Mimi to her grandchildren, was a loving and devoted mother to Laurie Norris (Jim), Diane Molina (Bert), and Ned Wayne Roberts, Jr. (Elizabeth). She cherished her role as a grandmother to Ryan, Lauren, Kara (Ryan), Paul (Madeleine), Hailey (Michael), Julie, Grace, Joe, and Addison (Mitchell). Abbie is also survived by her sister Elouise McKaskle Margita and many nieces and nephews.
In her 35-year career as a Registered Nurse, Abbie touched the lives of many with her compassionate care and dedication. She graduated from South Park High School and later pursued higher education at Lamar University.
Abbie had a passion for travel, art museums, theater, and the beach. She found joy in painting, reading books, playing bingo and dominoes, and watching movies. Receiving photos and videos of her grandchildren and granddogs brought immense happiness to her.
Abbie was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Ned Wayne Roberts, Sr., her brother Lee Blake McKaskle, and her parents.
Private interment at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Beaumont, Texas.
Abbie will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved her. May she rest in peace.