Cecelia Nagel Thenemann, 90, went to be with her Heavenly Father on November 27, 2018 in Longview, TX after a brief pulmonary illness. She was born in Brown County, MN on April 25, 1928 to Wayne Nagel and Aletta Thorson Nagel. On December 19, 1947, she married Carl W. Thenemann in Watertown, SD. They lived in Winthrop, MN and Newark, NJ prior to moving to Baytown, Texas in 1952 where Carl worked for Standard Oil, now Exxon-Mobil. Cecelia was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. “Granny”, as she was known to many, loved history, travel, gar fishing, playing dominoes and making candy. She served on the altar guild and was a strong Christian and lifelong Lutheran. Cecelia adored being a “band mom” and proud supporter of the famous Robert E. Lee High School marching band of which her daughters were members. She was preceded in death by her parents and siblings, as well as her husband, Carl W. Thenemann, daughter, Patricia Rogers, and grandson, Steven Carl Cherry. She is survived by her daughter, Charlotte Cherry of Longview, TX, granddaughter and grandson-in-law, Donna & Tim O’Sullivan of Longview, TX, grandson, granddaughter-in-law, and great-granddaughter, Brad, Shannon & Maura Rogers of Deer Park, TX, dear friend, Brenda Evans of Baytown, TX, and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends. Visitation will be Saturday, December 1, 2018, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Earthman Baytown Funeral Home. A graveside service and interment will follow at 1:00 p.m. at Earthman Memory Gardens Cemetery.
Tim O'Sullivan
Brad Rogers
Ian GillespieOfficiant