Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Thérèse « Therry » (Drapeau) Bush, ses garçons Jamie Bush de Montréal et Boyd Bush de Nelson, BC. Il laisse également son frère Brian Bush (Laura) de Elliot Lake, ON, ainsi que 2 petits-enfants, Keegan et Emmett.
Les funérailles auront lieu à l’Église St. François Xavier de Charlo, mardi à 11h00.
Des dons à La Fondation des maladies du Cœur seraient appréciés par la famille.
Les arrangements funéraires ont été confiés aux soins du Salon Funéraire Maher de Balmoral.
(506)789-1699 ou sans frais (855) 404-1699 courriel:
Passed away at the Moncton City Hospital on June 2, 2016 at the age of 72, James “Jim” Bush of Charlo. Born in North Bay, ON, he was the son of the late Donalda McLeod and of the late John Bush.
He leaves to mourn his wife Thérèse “Therry” (Drapeau) Bush, his sons Jamie Bush of Montreal and Boyd Bush of Nelson, BC. He also leaves his brother Brian Bush (Laura) of Elliot Lake, ON and 2 grandchildren, Keegan and Emmett.
The funeral mass will be held at the St. Francis Xavier Church in Charlo, Tuesday at 11:00 am.
Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family.
Funeral arrangements are in the care of Maher’s Funeral Home, Balmoral.
(506)789-1699 or toll free (855) 404-1699 email: