She was born on September 19, 1918 during the 1918 pandemic, on a ship, USS Kroonland, sailing from Brest, France to New York. She was raised by a single mother, Lillian Fleming who worked as an RN in New York for over 40 years. Her father died in the pandemic. She grew up in Manhattan and Queens, New York. She attended Blessed Sacrament High School in Manhattan before attending college at The College of Mount Saint Vincent in Riverdale, New York. She graduated in 1941, remaining a proud alumna and having established many lifelong friends from that class. She worked a variety of jobs in New York and Bedford, Mass (including a stint at the Norden Bombsight company!) before joining the American Red Cross in World War II. Her tour of service led her to Okinawa, Japan and the Philippines.
Post-war she worked for varied public health agencies in New York and Mass.
She was introduced by friends to John Connolly and married at St Ann's church in New York in 1953. A honeymoon trip to Bermuda followed, leading to over 60 years of marriage with John’s passing in 2016.
They squeezed into a small apartment in Jackson Heights, Queens and welcomed the birth of their first child, Mary Ellen in 1954. Expecting their second child, John, and needing more space, they moved to White Plains, NY, which became home for more than 20 years. More children followed including a set of twin girls, Ann and Kathleen. Patrick, the youngest, arrived in 1959! Five children in five years!
Mary was a devout Catholic who loved praying the Rosary and was often at daily Mass. In her later years she enjoyed watching EWTN TV, complete with the Rosary, Mass and even cartoons. Her faith was an obvious influence in her life and for her family.
She was a homemaker par excellence; cooking meals, chauffeuring 5 children hither and yon, typing their school papers, and acting as a Cub Scout Den Mother. She trekked to Queens at least weekly to visit her mother if a long subway ride for Lillian was too hard. Mother and daughter were incredibly devoted to one another throughout.
She had extensive travels through the US including lots in New York State-usually with John and some or all of the 5 children.
Mary loved to read and was able to pass that on to her children too. Afternoons were sometimes spent reading aloud together inside or out - even classics such as David Copperfield and multiple titles via the Great Books Program, of which she was a strong advocate. The many trips to New York City included plays, opera subscriptions, parades, Christmas window viewing and sports events. We remember trips to the 1964 World's Fair, Long Island Sound beaches, and visiting her college friends in the tri-state area.
In the mid-70s, the family moved to Texas for John to pursue a career opportunity with the American Heart Association. They lived in Dallas, Cibolo, and Austin - making new friends and jumping into volunteer duties frequently. Each new church parish became her extended family and kept her very busy.
She shepherded the 5 children through High School, University, Graduate schools, perpetually proud of their success, due largely to her tutelage.
She and John were fond of traveling. In the US this included visiting their ever growing family including sons- and daughters-in-law, grandchildren (a total of 10), and eventually great-grandchildren (2) in Colorado, Alaska, and at home in Texas. Ventures abroad included Ireland, Italy, and the Holy Land.
A move to Austin relieved her of 80+ years of cooking and housekeeping. She made many good pals in Austin, especially her guardian angel at the Continental, Dorothy McCreary. The family would like to extend thanks to the Medical Team especially Johnnie, Mel, Maria, Sandra, and Kim for their compassionate care as well as Rebecca with Hospice Austin.
We all will miss her bright blue eyes and ready smile (as well as a few well directed opinions and quips).
Funeral services will be held at St Catherine of Siena Church in Austin, 10am April 28th.