Carlos Medina III was born on May 27th in Abilene, Texas to Socoro and Carlos Medina. Unbeknownst to them that their bundle of joy would turn into a handsome, 6'5", 300lb man. He was educated at ITT in drafting and design where he earned his associates degree. It was a field he excelled at. Subsequently gaining employment at some of the top engineering firms in Austin. However, being handsome and educated were wonderful attributes to have there was more. What made Carlos a triple threat threat was his ability to connect and make friends with anyone. He was quick on the draw with a big smile, bear hug, and genuine interest in whatever topic his new friend had to talk about. By the second sentence Carlos would lean in listening intently, one eyebrow raised, nodding his head in agreement. He made strangers feel like friends, and friends feel like family.
That's how Carlos won over Holly Kosin and married her on May 9th 2009. By the time Carlos leaned in, and his eyebrow went up, they both knew that it was meant to be. United by a love of the outdoors, mountain biking, volunteering at a habitat for humanity, smoking brisket and entertaining family. Although to list everything Carlos loved would be like trying to describe life itself, a joie de vive everything that didn't end when they were wed.
Carlos and Holly began building a life together by living the wedding vows they made.
For better or for worse: Losing their first daughter Claire Medina in childbirth January 21st, 2014. But gaining a son, CJ Medina, April 6th 2015.
For richerer or for poorer: Both Carlos and Holly worked full time jobs scrimping and saving until they could purchase their first home. Working hard enough to have Holly be a stay at home mom, and buy a vacation property.
In sickness and in health: When Carlos was diagnosed with Sarcoma in the Spring of 2018, Holly never left his side. She was his biggest supporter and warrior in his valiant fourteen month battle through radiation, amputation, chemotherapy, and finally experimental treatment at M D Anderson. Carlos and Holly had such faith and dedication to each other, that this disease cemented them together even stronger as a couple.
Until death do us part: Carlos left his pain, suffering, loving wife and son on April 17th 2019. He went to his daughters side in heaven to become the guardian angels to watch over Holly and CJ until their family is re-united.
There will be a viewing on April 24th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cook Walden Forest Oaks. Services to celebrate his life will be held at St. Catherines Siena at 10 a.m. followed by interment at Austin Memorial Cemetery.
Carlos Joseph Medina IVPallbearer
Trennis JonesPallbearer
Bill LewisPallbearer
Joseph McGillPallbearer
Gabriel MilianPallbearer
Vince TerracinaPallbearer
Brennan WallacePallbearer