Candy Sue Hill

2 April, 194924 December, 2020
Obituary of Candy Sue Hill


Murphy Funeral Homes

It is with great sadness that our family must announce the passing of Candy S. Hill. Our mother passed away on December 24, 2020 after a long battle of with cancer. Our mom was the matriarch of our family and dedicated her life to all of us and her work. Many people will remember our mother as strong, dedicated, and downright stubborn. She spent a large portion of her career working the for the Department of Social Services in the State of Michigan. She retired early and took a role at the Archdioceses of Detroit. From there she moved on to becoming the CEO of Catholic Social Services of Monroe County in Michigan. Ultimately, she was given an amazing opportunity to leave the state she was born and raised in and moved to Virginia to take a new position at Catholic Charites USA. Her love and dedication to helping those that had been left behind or abandoned was only a smidge of who she truly was. She would give her last to help someone else in need. She was a force to be reckoned with. For many of those that worked with her knew she loved her husband Michael, her two children Amanda and Rob and she adored her grandson Blake more than life. Our family is devastated by her loss, but we find peace knowing she is no longer suffering. Our family thanks all you during this very difficult time. We will always love you mom!

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Past Services

Thursday, 14 January, 2021

Mass of Christian Burial