Dear Friends and Family, We would like to extend our heartfelt thank you for your kind condolences and prayers for our dear son Vishnu Murthy. Past few months have been the most crippling and challenging months we have endured in our lifetime, we are still unable to comprehend the suddenness and still trying to come to terms. We are truly touched by your kindness and overwhelming support during this time. We would like to thank you for the flowers, food, memory cards, pictures of Vishnu, videos, heartfelt messages. Vishnu thanks you for the flowers and your prayers. _/\_ Vishnu touched many lives through his genuine nature and contributed positively to all the communities he was involved in. His legacy will always be cherished. Few of Vishnu’s friends have helped us to create a foundation in his name so his work and legacy can be continued. We are truly thankful to you all for your support and contributions to the foundation. Vishnu believed in empowering young minds through mentoring. We plan to continue his work of helping the underprivileged children in their education.Our only purpose in life is to see Vishnu through the eyes of the children we serve. Vishnu is truly blessed to have gained all your love. Please keep him in your prayers and think of him fondly as he continues his journey beyond. _/\_ We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and kind support you have shown us through the past several months. Sarvey Janah Sukhino Bhavanthu Om Shanthi _/\_ We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and kind support you have shown us through the past several months. Sarvey Janah Sukhino Bhavanthu Om Shanthi _/\_ May every being in this world find happiness and peace _/\_ Thank you _/\_ Sharmila, Rama & Veda

Past Services

Tuesday,September 07, 2021

Mourning Period

Tuesday,September 07, 2021

MukhAgni "Cremation Service"