Preceding him in death was his wife Marjorie Elaine, his three sisters, Dorothy, Jean and Helen, his infant brother Jerry and his parents Leland and Bessie.
James married Marjorie Weaver, on Palm Sunday, 4-14-1957 in Bedford, Indiana whom he met in 8th grade while playing basketball for the middle school team as she cheered him on. He was drafted and became a Korean war veteran, serving in a MASH unit as a medic helping the wounded and conducting medical research which was displayed in the Smithsonian museum in Washington DC.
After an honorable discharge from the United States Army as a Corporal he was educated and apprenticed as a tool and die metal fabricator and machinist. He studied and attained his private pilots license taking friends and family on many rides over the southern Indiana countryside of which he so loved.
He was the proud father to his only child Kimberly Dawn and father-in-law to James. He was also blessed with grandchildren, Sarah Faith whom he adored and admired her musical abilities as she was his “papaws girl“ for many years until the blessings came of Hailey and Kaiden whom he loved, daily talking to them about their school days.
He loved animals of all kinds and had several pets over the years including a pet monkey while stationed in Korea. He was happiest when taking a ride with his wife through the countryside or watching an old movie and reminiscing with her about their youth together, talking cars and local and world news with his daughter, talking life lessons and giving snacks to Sarah, “talking Jesus” with James or getting a hello and a hug from Hailey and Kaiden.
He will be greatly missed by his loving family, but he was joyously reunited with his wife of 62 years and his lifelong friend of 74 years. We know that Jesus was waiting for him as he was released from the pain and frustration he suffered from his debilitated body and now his soul is freed.