
Lindsey Funeral Homes has provided funeral and cremation services in Harrisonburg, Virginia, since 1929. Our funeral home team is dedicated to providing the compassion and care you need.

Local funeral care and expertise

Our team understands the needs of our families. We focus on offering the support you need through the planning process. We host all types of services, including a traditional funeral in a church, a cremation with a memorial tribute before scattering or an off-site celebration of life. Every service is uniquely designed—no service is like another.

Our team will help you select a service, discuss funeral and cremation costs, and cover exclusive benefits available to you. When you choose Lindsey Funeral Homes, you'll receive the information you need to create a memorable tribute for guests to cherish.

Let's celebrate life

As we plan, we keep a philosophy top of mind: life well celebrated. This approach to funeral care inspires our team to create personalized services that showcase what made your loved one special. We'll take their hobbies, interests and passions, and design a service that celebrates their journey.

In addition, we help families with obituaries, custom gifts for guests, video slideshows and catering, allowing families to celebrate their loved one while receiving comfort. At Lindsey Funeral Homes, we want each family to receive peace and support while in our care.

Call on us, day or night

We welcome you to visit Lindsey Funeral Homes in Harrisonburg. Our team will greet you with a warm smile and one-on-one attention. Please call or come by to plan a funeral or memorial service in advance. Contact us if you need immediate assistance.


Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Express your sympathy with flowers & gifts


View arrangements

Vintage photos scattered

Unable to find an obituary?

Not finding what you are looking for? Search for your loved one's obituary across any of our other locations.